Whats for Dinner
Husband: why is the dinner not ready?
My day used to start with Facebook and end with a novel. My day used to be an epic story of pizza and movies, the climax was sleeping. My day was as peaceful as a lion sleeping. Then one day I got married and had a baby. The lion woke up.
The third day my husband finally asked me, why is the dinner not ready yet? I told him the truth. I was busy, the baby takes all the time. Ohh no obviously I shouldn’t have said that, firstly that makes no sense at all to the father, how can their cute angel that keeps smiling at him be a handful? Which only means I am lying and my lazy bum was watching a Pakistani drama. How I wish that was true.
My day starts with my wailing hungry baby, no need for alarm these days, followed by I’m getting late for meeting, where’s my breakfast? Is the lunch packed? The quick run from 8 am in the morning ends at 10 am. After which my husband finally leaves and I’m all alone with my baby. If you think life got easier, you are mistaken. Your hungry baby also needs a diaper change. Take half an hour for feeding the baby and the other hour for cleaning the mess he made while running errands around the house. Clean him, bath him, wet yourself, change him, then change your clothes, put him in his play pan, then run to wash the clothes. You have just pressed the on button when you hear the cry.
Either he got hungry, either he has his leg stuck somewhere or mostly he wants you to pick him up. And you do. You munch in a biscuit with a cup of tea, make some lunch for your baby, rest him in his cradle, start doing the dishes but he is crying again. You leave him on the floor to play with and all the kitchen stuff from the drawers and cabinets are out. Now you clean that too.
You put him to sleep and finish the dishes, complete the laundry, iron the other stock, mop the floors and clean the rooms. You pick up the toys from different places and then you….*crying baby* ..no you leave everything and go check on your baby. You change the diaper, you clean the mess, you see your potty hands, and no you are not disgusted, you are way past that stage.
You feed the baby and pick him up and you start chopping vegetables. The bell rings, you quickly put the flame on and veggies in a pan, you open the door and in comes your darling husband.
What’s for dinner today?
Why is it not ready?
You had all day to cook!
I come home all tired from the office! To find no dinner.
Someday I would like to switch places with him and ask him the same question. For now I have a dinner to prepare.